The Full Story
Emmet County Right to Life is a non-sectarian, nonpartisan, non-profit 501(c)4 organization of people from the area of Emmet County, Michigan and is an affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan. We are committed to the protection of all human life. We make this commitment because all human life is significant and has value. We make this commitment because even those persons unable to speak for themselves have need for legal protection under the law. It is our desire to promote dignity of all human life.

Mission Statement
We strive to achieve the passage and ratification of a Human Life Amendment. We aim to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them to action, to encourage community support and participation in programs that foster respect and protection for human life.
Aspiration Statement
We want a movement that honors the words of the Declaration of Independence that all "... are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." We strive for a movement that places this inalienable right to life for the born and unborn in the forefront of all its endeavors.